All patients should have the best possible outcome. Our aim is to care for patients, not just treat them. It is vital that we continue to learn from patient experience so that we can improve the high standards of treatment and care.
We know that our patients’ and families’ perceptions of a good experience is as essential as receiving effective and safe care – this starts from the moment they have their first contact with our services.
We focus on:
We are committed to continually improving the quality of the experience of our patients and provide our staff with the skills, quality improvement knowledge and training necessary to deliver safe, effective and high-quality patient care.
Patients have told us that a good patient experience means:
A better experience forms our ambition of delivering excellent patient care.
Research has shown that a positive experience contributes to a more therapeutic relationship with our patients, improved clinical outcomes, and is more cost effective.
There are strong links between patient experience, clinical safety and clinical effectiveness.
Encouraging improvements in patient experience has also been shown to result in greater employee satisfaction and subsequently reduces staff turnover by making their work experience a better one.
Patient safety is at the heart of all we do.
We have received numerous accreditations and awards for the safety and quality of our patient services along with having robust safety measures in place which go above and beyond national standard practice.
It is vital that we continue to learn from patient experience so that we can improve the high standards of care provided at Royal Bolton Hospital and our community sites.
We are proud of involving patients in decisions about the services and treatment we provide that is underpinned by the fantastic work that our staff do every day for our patients and their loved ones throughout their treatment and care.
Feedback tells us that many of our patients do have a good experience of care, but we know we don’t always get it right.
We hope that by focusing our attention on constantly ensuring that our patients have a good experience, we will continue to strive for the best.